Phytohormones in sweet cherry buds during winter rest and bud development
Götz K.-P., Chmielewski F.-M., Tarkowská D., Pěnčík A., Novák O.
Keywords: Flower buds, Prunus avium L., Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Auxins
Abstract: This (two-season) study was undertaken to assess the involvement of gibberellins (GAs), cytokinins (CKs), and auxins (AX) in dormancy of the sweet cherry buds ‘Summit’. Our hypothesis consisted in the assumption that representatives of these hormone groups are able to mark the transition between different dormancy phases. Changes in the transition between endo- and ecodormancy and the stages of ontogenetic development were not recognizable by bioactive GA1, GA5, GA7. The transient increase of GA3 during ecodormancy might be interpreted as an indication of the preservation of ecodormancy. The content of the biological active bases tZ, cZ, and DHZ was equal between endo- and ecodormancy. However, the content increased significantly in the first phase of ontogenetic development. The summation of the representatives of the various CKs (total iP-type, total tZ-type, total CK bases, total CK ribosides, total CK nucleotides, total O-glucosides, total N-glucosides, and total CKs) showed no differences regarding their levels during endo- and ecodormancy. These values increased markedly in the subsequent phase. AX increased after ecodormancy. By contrast, from side green until open cluster no differences occurred. As shown for AX, the content of oxIAA increased after ecodormancy. The content of IAAsp was low during endodormancy and increased transiently during ecodormancy and early ontogenetic development. This study revealed that no changes in the content of different bioactive GAs (exception GA3), CKs, and AX occurred during winter rest, and more precisely, during endo- and ecodormancy. These metabolites, therefore, are not suitable to differentiate between these dormancy phases. The ontogenesis is accompanied by specific changes in the content of bioactive molecules, precursors, and conjugation products.
DOI: 10.1007/s00344-022-10723-0 IEB authors: Ondřej Novák, Aleš Pěnčík, Danuše Tarkowská
Keywords: Flower buds, Prunus avium L., Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Auxins
Abstract: This (two-season) study was undertaken to assess the involvement of gibberellins (GAs), cytokinins (CKs), and auxins (AX) in dormancy of the sweet cherry buds ‘Summit’. Our hypothesis consisted in the assumption that representatives of these hormone groups are able to mark the transition between different dormancy phases. Changes in the transition between endo- and ecodormancy and the stages of ontogenetic development were not recognizable by bioactive GA1, GA5, GA7. The transient increase of GA3 during ecodormancy might be interpreted as an indication of the preservation of ecodormancy. The content of the biological active bases tZ, cZ, and DHZ was equal between endo- and ecodormancy. However, the content increased significantly in the first phase of ontogenetic development. The summation of the representatives of the various CKs (total iP-type, total tZ-type, total CK bases, total CK ribosides, total CK nucleotides, total O-glucosides, total N-glucosides, and total CKs) showed no differences regarding their levels during endo- and ecodormancy. These values increased markedly in the subsequent phase. AX increased after ecodormancy. By contrast, from side green until open cluster no differences occurred. As shown for AX, the content of oxIAA increased after ecodormancy. The content of IAAsp was low during endodormancy and increased transiently during ecodormancy and early ontogenetic development. This study revealed that no changes in the content of different bioactive GAs (exception GA3), CKs, and AX occurred during winter rest, and more precisely, during endo- and ecodormancy. These metabolites, therefore, are not suitable to differentiate between these dormancy phases. The ontogenesis is accompanied by specific changes in the content of bioactive molecules, precursors, and conjugation products.
DOI: 10.1007/s00344-022-10723-0 IEB authors: Ondřej Novák, Aleš Pěnčík, Danuše Tarkowská