Elucidating the role of Kelpak® on the growth, phytohormone composition, and phenolic acids in macronutrient-stressed Ceratotheca triloba.
Masondo N.A., Aremu A.O., Kulkarni M.G., Petřík I., Plačková L., Šubrtová M., Novák O., Grúz J., Doležal K., Strnad M., Finnie J.F., Van Staden J.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY 31 : 2687–2697 , 2019
Keywords: Abscisic acid, Biostimulant, Cytokinins, Jasmonic acid, Phytochemicals, Traditional leafy vegetable
Abscisic acid, gibberellins and brassinosteroids in Kelpak®, a commercial seaweed extract made from Ecklonia maxima
Stirk W. A., Tarkowská D., Turečová V., Strnad M., van Staden J.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY 26 : 561-567 , 2013
Keywords: Abscisic acid, Agricultural biostimulant, Brassinosteroids, Gibberellins, Plant growth regulators
Screening microalgae for some potentially useful agricultural and pharmaceutical secondary metabolites
Ordog, V.; Stirk, W. A.; Lenobel, René; Bancířová, Martina; Strnad, Miroslav; van Staden, J.; Szigeti, J.; Nemeth, L.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY 16 [4] : 309-314 , 2004
Keywords: anticancer; antimicrobial; Chlorophyta